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Home > Brand > Calair Pro-pipe II
Calair Pro-pipe II
2020-05-03 13:37601官网


Coloured "Blue" to identify the contents for Compressed Air and Vacumm 

this is the proven system that has been installed in over 5,000 sites.


Coloured "Blue" to identify the contents for Compressed Air and Vacumm this is the proven system 

that has been installed in over 5,000 sites.

More and more users of compressed air pipe systems are acknowledging the importance of providing 

serviced air to their pneumatic equipment. Air which is free from moisture and contaminants and delivered 

in the right quantity will ultimately extend the life of their quipment and reduce expensive repair or replacement costs which is why Air-Pro should be included in your design criteria for achieving successful results.

Air-ProEvcco - 171 photos - Matériaux de co<em></em>nstruction -

    The superior qualities of Air-Pro II

  • Provides a reduction of 40% infrictional losses over steel
  • Re-Locatable, Re-Useable and 100% Re-cycleable
  • Requires no periodical painting or labeling.
  • provides the highest level of sealing efficiency. Reduced cycle time of compressors, pumps and ancillary equipment eliminates product loss and provides energy cost savings.
  • System is 3-4 times quicker to install than traditional materials with modifications and changes undertaken in minutes.

Gentle Automatic Solution Sdn Bhd delivery for better Calair Propipe II 

brand of pipe and fittings are manufactured from Sydney, Australia. 

To install the better air piping system with calair is today technology updated 

name in most of the manufacturer and industrial.

Interest to know more detail or purchase please:-
Contact No:- www.wasap.my/6012-2738827
email: sales@gentle.com.my

Gentle Automatic Solution Sdn. Bhd.684637-U

36,Jalan Industri USJ1/13, Taman Perindustrian USJ 1,
47600 Subang Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan,